Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well, the GAME is ON......

Its been like 4 months since i last blogged and I am back after an un-satisfactory low GMAT score. Had my final attempt last week and the result was -- Phew.... yup its low. Am i a real poor CAT taker..huh.. No clue.. and dont wanna think about it as well.

Followed by the score revelation, I submitted my profile details in forums and to admission consultants for evaluation. Ok the question is just two here.. 1. Whether to re-attempt - not a viable option eh !!... 2. or to Proceed with the app process. Of course, most (not actually most.. its all)of the responders came back with the obvious Option 2. I guess, its "Worth a shot but with a stellar application". Few tips from fella applicants - Amar, came across his blog recently though, but gud ones and Oh Ya, one of my best buddies, A who has encouraged me to the level till now he he - made me to move on . Thanks ya !!. After all this, the Game is on and moved on to Step 2, after a not-so-great step 1 (my GMAT).

One of my favourite quotes, "The lower you fall, the higher you'll fly" always made me to move on. "Its not that how much you fail, its that how much you bounce back.... "

With that said, I am ready to face the reality this time. Keeping my fingers crossed (Wish i had more fingers atleast for this lol..) and all set for the reality check. Working on shortlisting the schools. Lets see how it goes...

Hoping for the best !!!


  1. Good luck S-AK.

    Keep on trying!

    H. Silverman
    Silverman GMAT Prep
